ponedjeljak, 6. svibnja 2013.

Indie United Vol.2

Ho, ho, ho, here we go!!! Indie United Vol.2 is finally out! Help us spread the word. And music. This time we got bands from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegowina, Italy and Germany. If you click on the cover you can download the entire album + covers in a zip file. Scroll down and there is a Soundcloud version also.

Icarus Down facebook.com/icarusdown
Much Adi About Nothing facebook.com/muchadiaboutnothing
In The Go facebook.com/inthegoband
Embassy 516 facebook.com/embassy516
The Orange Strips facebook.com/theorangestrips
Berette facebook.com/bandberette
The Folks facebook.com/thefolks
The Red Roosters facebook.com/red.roosters.56
Rolin Humes facebook.com/rolinhumes
Soul Display facebook.com/souldisplay
Borderline facebook.com/borderlineitaly
Spacesh!t facebook.com/spaceshit
Hangmas facebook.com/hangmas
THe pUnch facebook.com/thepunchmusic
Trees Of Maine facebook.com/treesofmaine
Man Zero facebook.com/manziere