Ho, ho, ho, here we go!!! Indie United Vol.2 is finally out! Help us spread the word. And music. This time we got bands from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegowina, Italy and Germany. If you click on the cover you can download the entire album + covers in a zip file. Scroll down and there is a Soundcloud version also.
Icarus Down facebook.com/icarusdown
Much Adi About Nothing facebook.com/muchadiaboutnothing
In The Go facebook.com/inthegoband
Embassy 516 facebook.com/embassy516
The Orange Strips facebook.com/theorangestrips
Berette facebook.com/bandberette
The Folks facebook.com/thefolks
The Red Roosters facebook.com/red.roosters.56
Rolin Humes facebook.com/rolinhumes
Soul Display facebook.com/souldisplay
Borderline facebook.com/borderlineitaly
Spacesh!t facebook.com/spaceshit
Hangmas facebook.com/hangmas
THe pUnch facebook.com/thepunchmusic
Trees Of Maine facebook.com/treesofmaine
Man Zero facebook.com/manziere
I appreciate this wonderful article that you have shared here. My logo design phoenix team loves this blog so much. Keep blogging.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like central european bands. I like Hungarian ones, which have been established in South Slovakia the most, because they tell the story of the country. I have found them thru the news , when one of them have been in the Eurovision.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf I were you I would update the cover tho, does not look very professional. Coming from a person with practice.
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